


當您使用我們的手機應用程式、網站及其他線上產品和服務(統稱「服務」),以及透過您與我們的其他互動和通訊時,TAXI INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED(以下簡稱「我們」)會收集有關您的資訊。本隱私權聲明適用于TAXI INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED(以下簡稱「TAXI APPS」)所收集和使用的資訊。


本隱私權聲明(以下簡稱「聲明」)適用於任何在全球範圍內使用我們的應用程式或服務來要求運輸、交付或其他按需服務的個人(以下簡稱「使用者」)。本聲明不適用於我們從司機、快遞員、運輸公司夥伴或其他使用TAXI APPS平台的任何個人(以下簡稱「司機」)收集的資訊。如果您同時以使用者和司機的身份使用服務,則不同的隱私權聲明將適用於您不同的服務互動。






  • 位置資訊:當您使用服務進行運輸或交付時,我們會透過司機使用TAXI APPS應用程式收集有關行程的精確位置資料。如果您允許TAXI APPS應用程式透過您的手機作業系統(「平台」)使用的許可系統存取位置服務,當應用程式在前景或背景中執行時,我們將收集您的裝置的準確位置。我們亦可能從您的IP地址推斷您的大概位置。

  • 聯絡資訊:如果您允許TAXI APPS應用程式透過您的平台使用的許可系統存取您裝置上的通訊錄,我們可能會從您的通訊錄存取並儲存姓名及聯絡資訊,以便在您同意收集時透過我們的服務及用於本聲明所述的其他目的進行社交互動。

  • 交易資訊:我們收集有關您使用我們服務的交易詳細資訊,包括提供的服務類型、提供服務的日期和時間、支付的金額、運輸的距離及其他交易相關詳細資訊。另外,如果有人使用了您的折扣代碼,我們可能會將您的ID與該人士關聯。

  • 使用情況及喜好設定資訊:我們收集有關您及網站瀏覽者與我們的服務互動的資訊、表現出的喜好設定及選擇的設定。在一些情況下,我們透過使用Cookie、圖元標籤,以及可建立並保持唯一識別碼的類似技術進行收集。

  • 裝置資訊:我們可能收集有關您移動裝置的資訊,例如,包括硬體型號、作業系統及版本、檔案名稱及版本、偏好語言、唯一裝置識別碼、廣告識別碼、序號、裝置移動資訊,及手機網路資訊。

  • 呼叫及簡訊資料:我們的服務有助於使用者和司機之間的通訊。為改進此服務,我們接收呼叫資料,包括呼叫或傳簡訊的日期及時間、各方的電話號碼,以及簡訊的內容。

  • 記錄資訊:當您與服務互動時,我們收集伺服器記錄,其中可能包括如裝置IP地址、存取日期及時間、應用程式功能或檢視的頁面、應用程式損壞及其他系統活動、瀏覽器類型,及您在與我們的服務互動之前使用的第三方網站或服務。


大多數手機平台(iOS、Android等)定義了未經您的同意應用程式無法存取的一些裝置資料類型。這些平台對於取得您的同意有不同的許可系統。TAXI APPS應用程式首次想要取得存取某些資料類型的許可時,iOS平台將會提醒您,並讓您同意(或不同意)該要求。Android裝置將會在您首次使用應用程式之前通知您TAXI APPS應用程式尋求取得許可,您使用該應用程式即表示您同意。有時,相比平台本身提供的服務,這些許可權需要更多的解釋,我們的許可權要求隨著時間的推移而變更,因此我們建立這些頁面為我們的使用者提供最新的權威性資源。



  • 如果您選擇透過社交媒體服務(如Facebook)連結、建立或登入您的TAXI APPS帳戶,或者如果您存取使用我們的API(或我們所使用的其他方的API)獨立應用程式或網站,我們可能從該網站或應用程式接收有關您或您的連接的資訊。

  • 如果用人單位使用我們的企業解決方案之一,如TAXI APPS等業務,我們可能會從用人單位那裡收到您的資訊。

  • 當您要求按需服務時,我們的司機在向您提供服務後向我們提供用戶評價。

  • 如果您亦以其他身份與我們的服務互動,例如以司機身份或我們提供的其他應用程式使用者身份,我們可能會將該資訊與我們收集的您作為使用者或搭車者的身份匯總或關聯。



  • 提供、保持和改進我們的服務,例如,包括便於付款、傳送收據、提供產品和服務(及傳送相關資訊)、開發新功能、為使用者和司機提供客戶支援、開發安全功能、驗證使用者身份、傳送產品更新資訊及管理訊息;

  • 執行內部操作,例如,包括預防服務欺詐和濫用;軟體錯誤疑難排解及操作問題;執行資料分析、測試及研究;監控和分析使用情況及活動趨勢;

  • 有關您使用的某些功能,如轉送、邀請、分攤費用要求或ETA共用,在以下人士之間傳送訊息或通訊:(i)您與司機,如估計到達時間(ETA),或(ii)您與和您同樣方向的聯絡人。

  • 在許可情況下及根據當地適用法律,向您傳送我們認為您會感興趣的通訊,包括有關TAXI APPS及其他公司的產品、服務、折扣、新聞及活動;處理爭議、抽獎或其他折扣項目並履行任何相關獎項;

  • 個人化及改進服務,包括提供或建議功能、內容、社會關係、轉送及廣告。






  • 與司機,使其按您的要求提供服務。例如,我們共用您的姓名、照片(如果提供),由司機做出普通使用者評級,與司機商榷搭載乘客或乘客下車的位置;

  • 與其他搭乘者,如果您使用共乘服務,如TAXI APPS;由您決定是否與他人共乘,比如當您想共用您預計到達的時間或與朋友分攤費用;

  • 與第三方,透過夥伴或由第三方或我們的折扣優惠為您提供要求的服務;

  • 與一般公眾,如果您在大眾論壇,如部落格評論、社交媒體帖子或一般公眾可檢視的我們服務的其他功能上提交內容;

  • 與您選擇讓我們共用資訊的第三方,例如整合我們的API或服務的其他應用程式或網站,或那些我們整合了其API或服務者;以及

  • 如果您參與我們的TAXI APPS等企業解決方案業務,就可以與用人單位(或類似實體)和任何必要參與的第三方(如費用管理服務提供者)合作。



  • 與TAXI APPS子公司及成員實體,其代表我們或為資料集中化和/或後勤目的提供服務或執行資料處理;

  • 與供應商、顧問、市場營銷夥伴及需要存取此等資訊以代表我們執行工作的其他服務提供商;

  • 為回應主管機關資訊要求,如果我們認為是依照任何適用法律、法規或法律程序或法律要求公開的;

  • 與執法官員、政府當局或其他第三方,如果我們認為您的行為與我們的使用者合約、服務條款或政策不一致,或者為了保護TAXI APPS或他人的權利、產權或安全;

  • 當其他公司對我們的公司資產併購、銷售、合併或重組、融資或收購我們業務的全部或部份時或在這些事項協商期間;

  • 如果我們以其他方式通知您,並且您同意共用;以及

  • 以匯總及/或匿名的方式,無法採用適當方式識別出您。









TAXI APPS將會依據適用法律,遵照個人有關存取、更正,及/或刪除儲存的個人資料的要求。










如果您有關於本聲明的任何問題,請聯絡我們:6379 3328


User Privacy Statement

Effective Date: 1st September 2022

TAXI INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED (referred to as “we” or “TAXI APPS”) collects information about you when you use our mobile applications, websites, and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) and through other interactions and communications you have with us. This Privacy Statement applies to information collected and used by TAXI INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED.

Scope and Application

This Privacy Statement (“Statement”) applies to persons anywhere in the world who use our apps or Services to request transportation, delivery, or other on-demand services (“Users”). This Statement does not apply to information we collect from or about drivers, couriers, partner transportation companies, or any other persons who use the TAXI APPS platform under license (collectively “Drivers”). If you interact with the Services as both a User and a Driver, the respective privacy statements apply to your different interactions.

Collection of Information

Information You Provide to Us

We collect information you provide directly to us, such as when you create or modify your account, request on-demand services, contact customer support, or otherwise communicate with us. This information may include: name, email, phone number, postal address, profile picture, payment method, items requested (for delivery services), delivery notes, and other information you choose to provide.

Information We Collect Through Your Use of Our Services

When you use our Services, we collect information about you in the following general categories:

  • Location Information: When you use the Services for transportation or delivery, we collect precise location data about the trip from the TAXI APPS app used by the Driver. If you permit the TAXI APPS app to access location services through the permission system used by your mobile operating system (“platform”), we may also collect the precise location of your device when the app is running in the foreground or background. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address.

  • Contacts Information: If you permit the TAXI APPS app to access the address book on your device through the permission system used by your mobile platform, we may access and store names and contact information from your address book to facilitate social interactions through our Services and for other purposes described in this Statement or at the time of consent or collection.

  • Transaction Information: We collect transaction details related to your use of our Services, including the type of service requested, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance traveled, and other related transaction details. Additionally, if someone uses your promo code, we may associate your ID with that person.

  • Usage and Preference Information: We collect information about how you and site visitors interact with our Services, preferences expressed, and settings chosen. In some cases, we do this through the use of cookies, pixel tags, and similar technologies that create and maintain unique identifiers.

  • Device Information: We may collect information about your mobile device, including, for example, the hardware model, operating system and version, software and file names and versions, preferred language, unique device identifier, advertising identifiers, serial number, device motion information, and mobile network information.

  • Call and SMS Data: Our Services facilitate communications between Users and Drivers. In connection with facilitating this service, we receive call data, including the date and time of the call or SMS message, the parties’ phone numbers, and the content of the SMS message.

  • Log Information: When you interact with the Services, we collect server logs, which may include information like device IP address, access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, type of browser, and the third-party site or service you were using before interacting with our Services.

Important Information About Platform Permissions

Most mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without your consent. These platforms have different permission systems for obtaining your consent. The iOS platform will alert you the first time the TAXI APPS app wants permission to access certain types of data and will let you consent (or not consent) to that request. Android devices will notify you of the permissions that the TAXI APPS app seeks before you first use the app, and your use of the app constitutes your consent. Sometimes these permissions require more explanation than the platforms themselves provide, and the permissions we request will change over time, so we’ve created these pages to serve as authoritative and up-to-date resources for our users.

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We may also receive information from other sources and combine that with information we collect through our Services. For example:

  • If you choose to link, create, or log in to your TAXI APPS account with a social media service (e.g., Facebook), or if you engage with a separate app or website that uses our API (or whose API we use), we may receive information about you or your connections from that site or app.

  • If your employer uses one of our enterprise solutions, such as TAXI APPS for Business, we may receive information about you from your employer.

  • When you request on-demand services, our Drivers may provide us with a User rating after providing services to you.

  • If you also interact with our Services in another capacity, for instance as a Driver or user of other apps we provide, we may combine or associate that information with information we have collected from you in your capacity as a User or rider.

Use of Information

We may use the information we collect about you to:

  • Provide, maintain, and improve our Services, including, for example, to facilitate payments, send receipts, provide products and services you request (and send related information), develop new features, provide customer support to Users and Drivers, develop safety features, authenticate users, and send product updates and administrative messages;

  • Perform internal operations, including, for example, to prevent fraud and abuse of our Services; to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems; to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; and to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends;

  • Send or facilitate communications (i) between you and a Driver, such as estimated times of arrival (ETAs), or (ii) between you and a contact of yours at your direction in connection with your use of certain features, such as referrals, invites, split fare requests, or ETA sharing;

  • Send you communications we think will be of interest to you, including information about products, services, promotions, news, and events of TAXI APPS and other companies, where permissible and according to local applicable laws; and to process contests, sweepstakes, or other promotion entries and fulfill any related awards;

  • Personalize and improve the Services, including to provide or recommend features, content, social connections, referrals, and advertisements.

We may transfer the information described in this Statement to, and process and store it in, the United States and other countries, some of which may have less protective data protection laws than the region in which you reside. Where this is the case, we will take appropriate measures to protect your personal information in accordance with this Statement.

Sharing of Information

We may share the information we collect about you as described in this Statement or as described at the time of collection or sharing, including as follows:

Through Our Services

We may share your information:

  • With Drivers to enable them to provide the Services you request. For example, we share your name, photo (if you provide one), average User rating given by Drivers, and pickup and/or drop-off locations with Drivers;

  • With other riders if you use a ride-sharing service like TAXI APPS; and with other people, as directed by you, such as when you want to share your estimated time of arrival or split a fare with a friend;

  • With third parties to provide you a service you requested through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party or us;

  • With the general public if you submit content in a public forum, such as blog comments, social media posts, or other features of our Services that are viewable by the general public;

  • With third parties with whom you choose to let us share information, for example, other apps or websites that integrate with our API or Services, or those with an API or Service with which we integrate; and

  • With your employer (or similar entity) and any necessary third parties engaged by us or your employer (e.g., an expense management service provider), if you participate in any of our enterprise solutions such as TAXI APPS for Business.

Other Important Sharing

We may share your information:

  • With TAXI APPS subsidiaries and affiliated entities that provide services or conduct data processing on our behalf, or for data centralization and/or logistics purposes;

  • With vendors, consultants, marketing partners, and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf;

  • In response to a request for information by a competent authority if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or is otherwise required by, any applicable law, regulation, or legal process;

  • With law enforcement officials, government authorities, or other third parties if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our User agreements, Terms of Service, or policies, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of TAXI APPS or others;

  • In connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company;

  • If we otherwise notify you and you consent to the sharing; and

  • In an aggregated and/or anonymized form which cannot reasonably be used to identify you.

Social Sharing Features

The Services may integrate with social sharing features and other related tools which let you share actions you take on our Services with other apps, sites, or media, and vice versa. Your use of such features enables the sharing of information with your friends or the public, depending on the settings you establish with the social sharing service. Please refer to the privacy policies of those social sharing services for more information about how they handle the data you provide to or share through them.

Analytics and Advertising Services Provided by Others

We may allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services for us, to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, and other technologies to identify your device when you visit our site and use our Services, as well as when you visit other online sites and services.

Your Choices

Account Information

You may correct your account information at any time by logging into your online or in-app account. If you wish to cancel your account, please email us at taxiappsco@gmail.com. Please note that in some cases we may retain certain information about you as required by law, or for legitimate business purposes to the extent permitted by law. For instance, if you have a standing credit or debt on your account, or if we believe you have committed fraud or violated our Terms, we may seek to resolve the issue before deleting your information.

Access Rights

TAXI APPS will comply with an individual’s requests regarding access, correction, and/or deletion of the personal data it stores in accordance with applicable law.

Location Information

We request permission for our app’s collection of precise location from your device per the permission system used by your mobile operating system. If you initially permit the collection of this information, you can later disable it by changing the location settings on your mobile device. However, this will limit your ability to use certain features of our Services. Additionally, disabling our app’s collection of precise location from your device will not limit our ability to collect your trip location information from a Driver’s device nor our ability to derive approximate location from your IP address.

Contact Information

We may also seek permission for our app’s collection and syncing of contact information from your device per the permission system used by your mobile operating system. If you initially permit the collection of this information, iOS users can later disable it by changing the contacts settings on your mobile device. The Android platform does not provide such a setting.

Promotional Communications

You may opt out of receiving promotional messages from us by following the instructions in those messages. If you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional communications, such as those about your account, about Services you have requested, or our ongoing business relations.

Changes to the Statement

We may change this Statement from time to time. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or to the Statement, we will provide you notice through the Services or by some other means, such as email. Your continued use of the Services after such notice constitutes your consent to the changes. We encourage you to periodically review the Statement for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact us at 6379 3328.

